will green tea reduce belly fat

Green Tea for Toned Tummy – Does Green Tea Reduce Belly Fat?

Weight Loss

Undoubtedly, green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. This green tea is loaded with strong antioxidants and plant compounds that are advantageous for your health. 

You probably often wonder that ‘will green tea reduce belly fat?’’ as, on one hand many Hollywood celebrities like Johnny Depp and Jennifer Lopez also promote green tea through various advertisements & on the other, many people believe that green tea is linked with body detoxification, not with weight loss. 

Many questions and myths regarding green tea discourage people like you from enjoying the advantages of this healthy beverage. 

So without further ado, let’s discuss the evidence of green tea related to weight loss. 

What Are The Major Constituents Of Green Tea? 

Before you think, if green tea reduces belly fat, you should be aware of the major constituents of this healthy beverage. Tea leaves are basically the major constituent of green tea. These leaves comprise various advantageous compounds. 

Green tea leaves contain a small amount of caffeine. One cup of green tea will have 20-50mg of caffeine which is 50% less than one cup of coffee.

As per various reports, caffeine is a beneficial stimulant known for boosting metabolism and helps in fat burning. Having one cup of green tea daily increases the antioxidants level in the blood vessels. 

The second major constituent of green tea is potent antioxidants. Next is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an important plant compound known for boosting metabolism.

So, if someone asks you, whether green tea reduces fat, you undoubtedly know that this healthy beverage aids fat burning by boosting metabolism. 

What Happens When You Regularly Have Green Tea?

If you want to get rid of excess fat, your aim should be to break down the fat cells and pass them into your blood vessels. Many animal studies claim that compounds present in green tea can aid the process of mobilizing the fat from the fat cells. 

EGCG, the primary antioxidant of green tea that inhibits the fast-breaking hormone known as norepinephrine. When you regularly follow green tea, the amount of this fast-breaking hormone increases in your body that promotes fat breakdown. As your fat cells start breaking, the fat enters the bloodstream, further used by muscle cells to generate energy. 

Does green tea reduce belly fat? In a nutshell, the plant compounds present in green tea increase the hormones that indicate the fat cells to extract fat in the bloodstream. The fat released in the bloodstream is used to generate energy.

Does Green Tea Help Burning Fat During Exercises?

When people ask, ‘will green tea reduce fat?’’, they are often confused about whether this beverage is beneficial only when you’re regularly hitting the gym.

Whenever you buy commercial weight loss supplements, most of them have green tea in their ingredients list. The reason is the green tea extracts are linked with fat burning during workouts. 

As per one study, men who took supplements burned 15-20% extra fat than men who didn’t take green tea supplements. Various studies have also proved that green tea can become one of the best pre-workouts for people following weight-loss workout routines.  

One two-month study revealed that beverages containing catechins, including green tea, can boost fat burning during rest and workouts.

How Green Tea Boosts The Metabolic Rate?

Everyone says that green tea extracts boost the metabolic rate, but nobody explains this thing in detail.

See whatever you’re doing; your body cells are doing countless tasks for generating and providing energy. As per various studies, following the EGCG supplements or green tea extracts will burn more calories during the rest period. This effect only becomes long-lasting when you’re adopting the habit of consuming green tea regularly. 

However, various studies were conducted to derive the connection between green tea and metabolism, but only a few were successful. The fat-burning effects depend on one’s genetics. 

Does Green Tea Reduce Your Daily Calorie Intake?

You are still wondering, if green tea reduces fat – then yes, but not directly; it can reduce your daily appetite. As per the theoretical studies, green tea extracts will help you consume few calories, and you won’t feel hungry.

However, many studies don’t agree that green tea can reduce an individual’s appetite. Some animal studies claim that consuming green tea supplements will disallow the body from absorbing fat from the foods. However, this theory is still unproven for humans. 

In a nutshell, one of the primary effects of green tea is increasing daily calories utilization and making you burn more fat easily. Nevertheless, this effect is only recognizable when you’re following calorie-deficit diets. 

So the answer to the question of whether green tea reduces calorie intake – until now, much evidence isn’t available regarding green tea helping people to consume fewer calories.

Can Green Tea Help In Reducing The Abdominal Fat?

Have you wondered why green tea is promoted as an abdominal fat burner? The reason is obese people are suffering from harmful abdominal fat. At this point, some studies claim that green tea can actually help in reducing abdominal fat. On the other hand, some studies say that green tea only reduces a specific type of fat.

Fat under your skin is easy to reduce, but visceral fat is very harmful. Visceral fat is a sign of various disorders like inflammation, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Undoubtedly, green tea effectively reduces skin fat but is not much effective in cutting visceral fat. However, consuming green tea will ensure that you stay away from many harmful disorders, especially heart diseases. 

The Conclusion

The effects of green tea on increasing metabolism rate and fat burning might be significant, but strong pieces of evidence are still missing. However, combining green tea with calories deficit diets and consistent workout routines will undoubtedly show some positive results.

Never have green tea with the mindset of losing fat; it does provide some additional advantages. If you’re consuming green tea in the long run, then only you can enjoy its benefits.

So should you add green tea in your daily routine? Add it to your daily lifestyle, and indeed you’ll experience some good results.  
