is skipping breakfast good for losing weight

Is Skipping Breakfast Good for Losing Weight?

Weight Loss

We all want to lose weight but cannot do it easily. We all want to achieve something that we cannot do because we do not follow the appropriate dieting program. Many people think if skipping breakfast good for losing weight, or eating less and less over time, or fasting most of the time can help in losing weight. To help you out and answer most of the myths that most people believe and follow when they are on their journey in losing weight.

Does Not Eating Breakfast Help You Lose Weight?

It is hotly questioned by many people across the nutrition world. Many people ask if skipping breakfast is good for losing weight. Many health experts say that people who eat breakfast early in the morning tend to refrain from overeating. Various research and studies have found that there is no difference in weight between those who consume breakfast and those who do not. In the meantime, many people tend to skip meals as it is becoming more and more common in modern life.

However, it does not necessarily say that people who are not eating breakfast should begin to eat it—according to research, fasting for longer than the overnight periods can be a good way to lose weight.

Scientists and researchers from the University of Hohenheim tested 17 adults on three days separately. Once when they tested, then when they used to eat three normal meals, and one time when they tested them when they used to skip breakfast. The breakdown of the carbs, protein, and fat was the same on all three days. 

They were used to take the blood samples daily, frequently from 7 am to 9 pm, to measure the levels of the hormone, insulin, and glucose concentrations along with the cell activity of the immune system.

Their research found that people burned more calories over the 24 hours when they implemented and extended the overnight fast by skipping either of the meals. When you compare the three meals in a daily schedule, you will see that the studies are in line with other studies on time that restrict eating.

You will get more authentic and genuine information on does not eat breakfast help you lose weight. However, it does not say that you should skip breakfast or whether you should continue it or not. It is always to be on the fast, take, and eat meals considerably.

There are various other strategies that you can choose for yourself rather than skipping breakfasts, as they are more helpful in losing weight when skipping breakfasts.

Strategies For Losing Weight

You can lose weight efficiently by following some of the famous strategies that various health experts suggest. By implementing the best weight-loss strategies, you can significantly reduce weight:

  • Cut Carbs

There are various ways people see weight loss, as many people focus on consuming less and fewer calories. When we look at the role of the body hormone, which is also known as insulin, when consuming meals, carbs that we get from other food will enter our bloodstream as glucose. To keep the blood glucose in check, the body will burn off the glucose before it becomes fat from the foods.

When eating carbs, the body induces insulin to help with the influx of glucose in the blood. In addition, when regulating blood sugar levels, insulin is something that will do two things. It prevents the fat cells from releasing the fat for the body to burn the fat and use it as fuel. It will also create more fat cells that will help store all of the things that our body cannot burn off. It will result in your body gaining more weight, and the body will need something else for fuel so that it can burn and eat more. 

Because the insulin only burns carbs, you will have cravings for the carbs, which will initiate vicious cycles of consuming carbs and induce the gaining weight. If you want to lose weight, the reasoning will be that you will need to break the cycle to reduce the consumption of carbs.

  • Cut Fat

It is a significant factor in most diets. When on a journey in which you want to lose weight, you should refrain from consuming fats. You can walk down any grocery aisles, and you will see various foods that come with low fats. When you want to lose weight, it is better that you will have to know about factors of reducing fat.

Not All Fat Is Bad

By consuming foods that are low in fats or managing weight can help you to elevate your mood and will remove fatigue. Unsaturated fats that you can find in nuts, soy milk, tofu, fatty fish, and avocados are those foods that will fill you up, and you will not feel anything to eat for a long time. You can also add some tasty olive oils to your vegetable plates. For instance, it will ease up eating healthy foods and enhance the overall diet quality.

We Tend To Make Wrong Trade

We all make the mistake of switching the fat for the empty sugar and refined carbs, rather than consuming foods that are whole-fat yogurt, such as consuming the no-fat version that contains sugar to make up for the taste loss when eating foods that do not contain the most of the fats. We usually switch the fatty breakfast bacon for donuts, which increases the sugar intake significantly. These are better than the questions such as if skipping breakfast is good for losing weight, you can lose weight by following a good diet.


These are some of the best ways of losing weight, and you can significantly lose weight efficiently while being healthy. Many people think that not eating breakfast help you lose weight – although many people see some of the results, it is not necessary.
