essential oils for night terrors in toddlers

Give Your Toddler a Peaceful Sleep With Essential Oils

Essential Oils

Essential oils are usually for aromatherapy. It is an alternative medication that uses and employs the extraction of plants to help health and well-being. If you have a child who usually suffers from night terrors, there are various essential oils for night terrors in toddlers.

These allow you to curb the terrors that your toddler may go through each night. If you are not sure about the essential oils, reading this post will provide you with sufficient knowledge, which will help you choose the essential oil for your use and the toddlers. We will also tell you about which essential is the best for night terrors in toddlers.

What Are Essential Oils?

You will get these types of oils from plants. With the help of this procedure, oils will get the scent of the plants along with taste and flavor. The essence you will get from these oils will provide you with a soothing smell to feel relaxed and peaceful. For this reason, you can get essential oils for night terrors in toddlers as they may help you to soothe out the kid and provide them with a peaceful night rest. 

Due to the unique aromatic compounds that you will get with each essential oil, you will get it’s characteristic essence. Different essential oils will provide you with its essence and uses. Many people get the essential oils through distillation, such as taking the help of steam and water. There are also other mechanical methods that many people use for getting the essential oils, such as cold pressing. After the extraction of the aromatic chemicals, manufacturers will combine them with the carrier oil to get the product that you can use whenever you want to.

The process of creating these oils is highly vital because essential oils that are obtained via chemical processes are not the original essential oils. They will not provide you with the same benefits as the original essential oil made traditionally. Now that we know what essential oils are, let us learn more about night terrors and essential oils for night terrors in toddlers.

What Are Night Terrors in Toddlers?

Various parents have to comfort their children after occasional nightmares. But if your kid ever had night terrors, the fear that the child will get will be inconsolable regardless of what you do to console them.

A night terror disrupts sleep that is similar to nightmares but far more severe and dramatic. However, it is something alarming for the parents who witness it. It is better that you know that it is usually not causing concern or a sign of a severe medical issue.

Symptoms Of Night Terrors

If you are not sure whether your kid is suffering from night terrors or not, below are some of the symptoms that will help you to know more about your child. Such as:

  • Shout out or distress scream
  • Sweating
  • Scared and upset
  • Fast heartbeat and breathing
  • Sitting upright in bed

After a while, the toddler will usually calm down and will go back to sleep. Unlike nightmares, which kids tend to remember when it is about the night terrors, kids will not remember a thing because they were severely asleep when it happened.

Causes Of Night Terrors

Night terrors are the result of the over-arousal of the CNS during sleep. Sleep occurs in several stages. We usually have dreams along with nightmares and also the rapid eye movement stage. The occurrence of night terrors happens during non-rapid eye movement. It is not usually a dream but a sudden fear reaction during the transition from one sleep to another. For this reason, it is better to use something to soothe the child, such as essential oils for night terrors in toddlers. 

Night terrors usually occur about 3 hours after the child has slept, when the level of the sleep goes to the deepest stage of the non-rapid eye movement. The transition to the non-REM is the smoothest one, but a child tends to become scared and upset. That scared and upset reaction is the night terror. 

The best way to handle it is to wait and ensure that your kid is safe and is not hurt if the kids are thrashing around. It is better not to wake up your child when they are going through the night terrors.

Essential Oils For Night Terrors In Toddlers

Several oils can help you to deal with the night terrors, such as:

1. Roman Chamomile

It is amongst the gentle essential oils for night terrors in toddlers. Using some of the drops of these oils can ease up the building of tensions and exhaustion in your child. It will also let your child sleep throughout the night, get rid of vivid dreams, and also combat other issues that may be there.

2. Cedarwood Atlas

Cedarwood atlas essential oil comprises soothing and therapeutic properties. These essential oils help with the management of anxiety and depression. It also enhances sleep quality. Using this oil in the room of your kid can help in preventing night terrors.

When you see that your child is having a night terror, you can use it at the bottom of the child’s feet with a drop of this effective oil. It will help you to restore the calm and peace of your loved one.

3. Australian Sandalwood

These types of essential oils for night terrors in toddlers come with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antiseptic, and astringent properties. Many people apply this oil to their children to ward off nightmares and night terrors. It will relax the whole muscles of the body, soothe mental tension, and ensure overall health. The woody aroma of this essential oil is best for calming the mind and maintaining inner peace. It is also usually used during the meditation and practice of prayer.


These are some of the best essential oils that you can use for your child as they will help you to ward off night terrors. It is better that you experiment with different oils to find the best one for your child.
