which foods are high in b12

Which Foods are High in Vitamin B12


If regular sources of vitamin B12 are not part of your daily diet, or if your body cannot absorb what is needed, there are other ways. According to researchers, vitamin B12 is soluble in water, which means that the body eliminates what it does not use. The main function of this vitamin is to keep nerve cells healthy, to support proper brain function, and to help produce DNA and RNA.

Vitamin B12 also works with other B vitamins, helping with certain functions. For example, they contribute to the production of red blood cells. Vitamins B12, B6, and B9 help control the level of the amino acid homocysteine ​​in the blood.

How Important is B12?

Vitamin B12 – that doesn’t mean anything to many at first. Compared to other vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin D, or folic acid (vitamin B9), B12 is less well known. However, that doesn’t make it any less important! Because vitamin B12 (also: cobalamin) is involved in numerous essential processes in our body. You should know which foods are rich in b12.

The vitamin is mainly absorbed through food. To guarantee a sufficient supply of B12, you should eat foods rich in vitamin B12 every day.

Vegetables and Fruits that contain Vitamin B12

Although vitamin B12 is found naturally only in foods of animal origin, below you will be able to see several plant products and which foods are high in b12.

  • Whole grains enriched with B12 (check label), 1 serving: 6 mcg.
  • Some mushrooms, such as dehydrated shiitake mushrooms, are a significant source of vitamin B12, but we should be aware of foods are high in B12 and consume many of them to benefit our daily needs.
  • Products from soy, hops, some seaweed, or various cereals enriched with B12.
  • Nutritional yeast enriched with vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12, unlike most of the other vitamins, is practically present only in foods of animal origin.

Some algae, brewer’s yeast, unwashed foods, and others of oriental origin such as tempeh (derived from soybeans) and Kombucha (Chinese tea ), contain vitamin B12 but at almost zero levels for our human needs, because the vitamin is not assimilable by our body.

Therefore, those who follow a diet free of animal products such as a strictly vegetarian or vegan diet must take vitamin B12 through supplements, also available in tablets, and also ask your dietician which foods are high in b12 that you can consume.

Which Foods are High in Vitamin B12

As we said above, this vitamin is found naturally in foods of animal origin. Below you will find which foods are rich in vitamin b12.

  • The molluscs contain 84 mcg / 85 grams
  • Trout – 85 grams contain 5.4 mcg
  • Salmon – 85 grams contain 4.9 mcg
  • Beef – 85 grams contain 1.5 mcg
  • A simple Greek yogurt – 170 grams contains 1.3 mcg
  • Fried chicken breast – 85 grams contain 0.3 mcg
  • A can of tuna contains 2.5 mcg at 85 grams
  • Swiss cheese – 1 slice contains 0.9 mcg
  • 1 large egg has a content of 0.3 mcg / 85 g 

It should also be noted that vitamin B12 is added in the industrial preparation of some energy drinks and snacks. This is because the absence of vitamin B12 in products of plant origin means that vitamin deficiency is very frequent in populations living in cities in poor countries of the world, who do not have access to a healthy diet and nutritional education and where investments in the junk food sector are huge.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

According to reports, very low levels of vitamin B12 can cause anemia and damage to the nervous system. Vitamin B12 is considered by vegetarian nutrition experts as the only element that is not reliably present in a completely plant-based diet, which in any case must include a large and varied consumption of fruit and vegetables. You can even search over the internet as to which foods are rich in b12 and know more about it.

Over time, the natural presence of vitamin B12 has been hypothesized for some foods suitable for vegan nutrition, such as algae or yeast. Later, however, it was verified that within them there is only an inactive form of vitamin B12, which would not be able to perform the functions it requires for our body.

Although healthy adults take their vitamin B12 requirement from their daily diet, the elderly may have a certain level of deficiency. Most of the time, this is due to the decrease in the level of gastric acid, which the body needs to absorb vitamin B12. Thus, it is important to know which foods are high in b12?

Low levels of vitamin B12 can lead to nervousness, dizziness, fatigue, numbness, and tingling in the fingers. Moreover, more severe long-term B12 deficiency can cause gait problems or even memory loss.

Excess of Vitamin B12: What are the Risks?

Foods rich in vitamin B12 like red meat, fish, eggs, milk, and derivatives, your body regulates itself. It eliminates excess vitamin B12 through the urine. However, even vitamin B12 can have contraindications if it is present in the body in an exaggerated quantity.

There may be cases where the dosages are very high and the body is unable to dispose of them properly. This condition gives as possible symptoms tremor, swelling, nervousness, allergic reactions, and sometimes a rapid heartbeat.

 Some possible, albeit rare, more serious contraindications are:

  • Heart failure, because too much vitamin B12 can lead to the heart not pumping blood properly
  • Hepatic and renal insufficiency
  • Formation of blood clots
  • Eyesight problems

The debate is instead open on which food are high in b12 and effective in cancer patients. Some studies show a correlation between elevated levels of B12 in the blood and the onset of relapse in the case of high-risk breast cancer. Similar results were also achieved about lung cancer, although these are single studies.

In the case of oncological treatment, it is therefore essential that any supplement is taken only if prescribed by the doctor in the face of a deficiency, and the values ​​must be kept under control.


Intake of adequate amounts of vitamin B12 appears even more important if you follow a plant-based diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also in this case it is advisable to consult an expert doctor who can indicate the most appropriate dosage of vitamin B12 so as not to incur any health risks for the mother or the child.
