best workout for boxers

Best Workouts for Boxers


If you aspire to become a boxer, you will need to be fit and have the physique that all boxers have. You should implement the workout routines of the famous boxers to have the best physique that will help you to become a boxer. Boxing is also a well-known combat sport where two players fight with each other and wear protective gloves. Boxing is also known as a fistfight, in which players throw punches at each other. As you know, boxers need years of regular training to achieve their dream and win the championship. 

If you also want to become a boxer and take training in it, you should focus on fundamental fitness training, cardiovascular exercises, and weight lifting. Boxers need to make an explosive and quick movement to punch their opponent, so they need to work out for approximately 5 hours a day. However, we will discuss the best workouts for boxers in this context so that you can also try them and achieve your goals. 

A boxer has many ways and exercises to get into shape, such as strength and conditioning, boxing drills, running, mitty work, sparring, and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval training). Without frittering away time, let’s move on to the list of best workouts for boxers:

Best Workouts for Boxers

High-Intensity Interval Training:

High-Intensity Interval Training combines resistance and cardiovascular training, and it helps to build more muscle tissue. It acts by increasing heart rate and keeps the calorie engine moving, so it is a very effective workout because boxers need to boost stamina, and it can be even more effective if you do running along with it.

HIIT can increase or decrease heart rate using intervals of different intensities. By increasing power for every 40 to 60 seconds, this exercise increases the heart rate and burns off calories. With the help of HIIT, the metabolic rate also increases for an extended period. You can decrease your rest periods if you feel stronger. This training includes warm-up jog, easy cool-down jog, walk on the treadmill, slow jumping jack, and sprints.

Sparring and Mitt work:

Sparing and mitt work is present in the list of workouts because it can improve speed, footwork, techniques, offensive and defensive skills, fighting strategy, and power. This exercise is more practical than heavy and speed bag training. You can try to throw hooks, jabs, and uppercuts. 

Boxing Drills

Like other workouts for boxers, boxing drills also take part in training, improving the boxer’s condition, speed, power, footwork, and stance. This workout helps to improve the boxer’s technique of fighting and makes them more quickly. You can practice shadow boxing drills that help warm up before using heavy bags but remember, in the full training of punching, you should move your feet to fight more efficiently. 

Strength and conditioning

Strength and conditioning are two different types of training in which strength training helps to be quicker in the fight and make your muscle more robust; on the other hand, conditioning regulates the time the body takes to get tired in the fight. If you do more weight lifting, it comes under strength training, where cardiovascular workouts come under the conditioning category. These two workouts contain push-ups, jump rope, crunches, planks, chin-ups, and leg lifts. 

Stretching and Flexibility

Stretching exercise effectively manages the flexibility of the muscles, and it also helps you ward off injuries. You should include the following stretching exercises in your daily workout:

  • One leg overstretch
  • Neck circle
  • Knee circle
  •  Standing toe touches
  • Sheathed butterfly stretch
  • Shoulder circle
  • Elbow circle
  • Ankle circle 
  • Arm circle 
  • Wrist circle

Weight training

As already discussed above to improve strength training by weight lifting – so here is another best workout for boxers which is weight training. Weight training is practical training because it increases strength and muscle size. There are many exercises included in weight training, such as:

  • Barbell deadlifts
  • Barbell squats
  • Barbell bench press
  • Dumbbell shoulder presses
  • Dumbbell shrugs
  • Reverse barbell curls
  • Crunches
  • Hanging leg raises
  • Pull-ups

Jumping rope 

With its name jumping rope, you can get that it is effective because you can do it anywhere, and it helps improve stamina and make muscles stronger. This exercise burns body fat and enhances footwork, coordination, endurance, quickness, and agility. Jumping workout includes:

  • Figure eights
  • High knees
  • Single jumps
  • Double jumps

Walking lunges

This exercise can improve flexibility and make your body balanced. Walking lunges strengthen legs muscles, and glutes, core, and hips muscles strengthen up. You can efficiently perform this exercise anywhere, and you have to sit in a lunge position with your knees and start a walk in this position. 


Burpees help to increase the strength and endurance of the body where no other workout does like this. Burpees are one of the best workouts for boxers because they flare up the body’s fat and help build stronger muscles in your hips, buttocks, abdomen, legs, arms, chest, and shoulders, and it also increases metabolism of the person. 


Squat is familiar to everyone, and you can easily do this exercise. Squat helps to strengthen the muscles. The primary function of squats is making the lower body part stronger because it is the core of the fighting. A more substantial lower body is more helpful instead of an upper body. Squats are high-intensity exercises that can burn off calories even at rest. You should do squats for 3 to 4 circuits, exercise for 30 seconds, and rest for about 1 minute.

Advantages of the boxers workouts 

As we complete the lists of best workouts for boxers, you may have a query about the advantages of these workouts. So, the above workouts have different functions and benefits. These workouts effectively increase agility, power, strength, speed, anaerobic endurance, and aerobic endurance. The exercises mentioned above help to decrease stress, body fat, and stress. Boxers need some other improvement, so these workouts effectively improve discipline, self-defense, fighting, confidence, coordination, and body shape. 


 All the above workouts for boxers are very effective, but keep in mind that they perform best when using a low-calorie diet and avoiding bad diets. Keep in mind that you should apply some safety measures while doing the above workouts; you can also take the help of expert trainers to avoid severe injuries. Hopefully, the content will help you to find the queries you have. 
