
Hydrocolloid Plasters: a first choice treatment for blisters

6 min read
Hydrocolloid Plasters: a first choice treatment for blisters Hydrocolloid Plasters: a first choice treatment for blisters Hydrocolloid Plasters: a first choice treatment for blisters

Blisters are a very common skin condition, but they can bring any good day to a halt. One of the most effective ways to heal blisters fast and get you back on track is with specialist cushioned plasters. Hydrocolloid blister plasters have been proven to consistently outperform standard plasters in terms of pain relief, wear time, cushioning and satisfaction. In a recent international study(1), researchers compared the effectiveness of Compeed hydrocolloid blister plasters to standard plasters for the treatment of foot blisters. Here, you will discover why hydrocolloid plasters are a preferred option than standard plasters when it comes to treating painful blisters.

Hydrocolloid Plasters vs. Standard Plasters: The Results Have Spoken
Normal activities like breaking in new shoes and participating in sporting activities should not mean having to suffer with painful and often debilitating blisters. Hydrocolloid plasters have been shown to be an effective solution for such annoyances and possess important advantages over regular plasters. It's time to examine how Compeed and regular plasters stack up!

Effective Pain Relief Methods

Whether you are an avid hiker or enjoy working in your garden, painful blisters on your feet can put a damper on your favourite activities. Compeed’s Hydrocolloid plasters are an effective solution for blisters because they offer greater pain relief than standard plasters(1). In addition, when treating blisters with COMPEED® blister plasters, blister sufferers were more likely to report immediate pain relief which was significantly better than when using ordinary plasters.

Wear Time and Adhesion

The last thing you want to worry about when you are out and about is changing your plaster multiple times a day. The study has(1) shown that Compeed’s specialist cushioned plasters stay put twice as long as their standard plaster counterparts because they were designed to stay in place for days. This is important because changing your plaster less frequently helps facilitate healing, hydrocolloid blister plasters are once again the better choice as they need to be changed less often than standard plasters.

Time to healing

Draining or breaking your blister bears the risk of infection, so the primary goal to accelerate the healing of the blister would be to leave it intact as long as possible. If the skin is broken, there is often a common misconception that it should be exposed to the air to help it heal faster but moisture is needed to create the optimal healing environment. An advantage provided by Compeed blister plasters is that compared to standard plasters, Compeed offers an optimal healing environment; hydrocolloid blister plasters absorb excess fluid, aiding the body’s natural wound healing process.


Specialist Compeed plasters offer more comfort when you need it the most. The statistics speak for themselves, almost 2x more people rated Compeed’s hydrocolloid cushioning as excellent versus regular plasters ; with 73.4% of hydrocolloid plaster users rating excellent cushioning compared to 38.8% of standard plaster users(1).


The results of study concluded that 94% of participants suffering from blisters were overall more satisfied with specialist cushioned plasters than compared to the 75% of those using standard plasters. In addition, almost all (98%) of the test subjects said they would recommend the use of Compeed hydrocolloid plasters to their friends and family.



Artus-Arduise C (2020) Hydrocolloid blister plasters vs. standard plasters for foot blisters treatment in real life: a comparative, nonrandomised, international, superiority study